Untitled from Lauren Hougham on Vimeo.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Brennan learning the "ma-ma" from Lauren Hougham on Vimeo.
We are so excited to see Brennan developing! He's now starting to learn from a sitting up position to reach objects to his side or in front of him. He's not going to be sedentary for long! Oh and when he get's going he's going to zoom!!!! This little guy has SO much energy... he'll tighten up his whole body and just shake when he's excited or wants something.
**** So I'm back after hearing lip smacking sounds from Brennan. He was on his play mat in the living room and I heard him making funny noises. I look over to see that he had scooted quite a ways had had a tiny remnant of some paper in his hands ...and he's chewing. I went to pick him up and didn't see the cough drop wrapper I had left close to the area he had scooted to. So I assume he ate it. Especially since when I picked him up he started choking and then threw up. I didn't see the wrapper, but I'm sure I'll find it in a day or to.
so never mind.... I guess the days of mobility are beginning... and I guess that means the days of baby proofing the floor have come to :)